Foot Health Practitioner
we are able to assit our clients with non invasive foot care. This includes :
Nail trimming & Thinning
Ingrowing Toenail
care of verrucae
corns, fungal infections of the nail, removal of hard skin/callus etc.
t present a Foot Clinic is held on Wednesdays at the Isleham Social Center.
Otherwise Home Visits are available in Isleham & surrounding villages. To book contact Jane 07956 466554 ring or message. Email jb.footcomfort.com
FELIXSTOWE visits every three weeks for current clients only in Felixstowe.
If you have seen Jane in past six months please feel free to contact Jane.
Otherwise apologies but I am unable to take on any further clients.
Healing Treatment involving working on pressure points of the feet using reflexology techniques and massage.​
Reiki Master & Teacher
Deep relaxation, reliving symptoms of stress & tension
reduce fatigue
A positive impact on mood & performance
A gentle sense of good health, well being & harmony
Chirokinetic Practitioner
CKT treatment is very straightforward, as simple muscle testing is employed as a way of communicating with the body to establish areas of imbalance.